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Hitman Absolution 1.0 433 Trainer

Movies Edit Movies for the Challenges and the Challenges for the Movies will be going up, especially for the Challenge movies. In the first movie, Agent 47 must stop the members of the IAA from taking possession of the US President's daughter, and stop an organized crime boss from making a deal with terrorists. The movie covers the player as they assist the US Government in the pursuit of the Director, Amanda, who is attempting to smuggle the President's daughter out of the country. Walkthrough Edit Walkthroughs for each movie will be going up. There will be no walkthrough for this movie. Walkthroughs for the Challenges Edit Challenges for this movie will be going up. Complete Movie Challenges Edit Completed movie challenges will be going up. Trivia Edit Agent 47 is the fourth protagonist that's had been in every Hitman game, after Saeed, Kleisterhaus, and Kiryu. The Golden Bear is a toilet paper manufactured by the Der Teufelbauer group, with the motto "Thou shalt keep it clean." has a toilet paper manufactured by the Der Teufelbauer group, with the motto "Thou shalt keep it clean." Danny Trejo is listed as an Executive Producer for the movie, as well as a supporting actor. There is an in-game achievement for reaching the end of the movie, and completing all the challenges. The achievement has the same requirement as the "Game Over" achievement. The movie can be played twice by completing the Challenges, once for each movie ending. In-game footage of the movie was released in the game files. Behind the Scenes Edit The popularity of the previous movie series, and its lack of release due to the studio that made the games going out of business, resulted in this being the first official movie in the Hitman franchise. There are no more movies to be released in the franchise. Comic Edit Agent 47: A movie by El Bastardo De Doom [...], will be coming soon. See you in the theaters! Gallery Edit Screenshots Edit Video Edit Titles Edit List of Titles Edit Portfolio Titles Edit

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